Weather Logger


Simple Python script to log METAR and TAF weather reports from XML API (AEROWEB) to CSV files.
Since v2.0, can also download WINTEM, TEMSI FRANCE and TEMSI EUROC maps to PDF files. Enjoy !

AEROWEB data are free and provided by Météo-France. You need to complete and sign in triplicate the AEROWEB Server agreement and send it by mail (webmaster . aeroweb AT meteo . fr) and then by post to receive your AEROWEB Server identifier. This is a requirement for this Python script to work.


Run with a config.ini file path as -c command line argument, for example from a cron job.

Crontab every 10 minutes ? There you go :

*/10 * * * * cd /SCRIPT_PATH/ && /usr/bin/python3 /SCRIPT_PATH/ -c /CONFIG_PATH/config.ini

:warning: The cd /SCRIPT_PATH/ command from the example above is MANDATORY in a cron job if you want to use relative paths in your config.ini configuration file. You are welcome.


1. CSV file(s) containing METAR / TAF reports in the following format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm METAR_OR_TAF_REPORT

For LFPG ICAO airport code, for example :

2. PDF file(s) for WINTEM, TEMSI FRANCE and TEMSI EUROC maps :



Edit the provided config.ini configuration file to set up the script. Everything is properly commented, easy peasy !

; Should I save TAR reports to CSV? If True, yes. If False, nope
TAF_logging = True
; Should I save METAR reports to CSV? If True, yes. If False, nope
METAR_logging = True
; Should I save WINTEM maps to PDF? If True, yes. If False, nope
WINTEM_logging = True
; Should I save TEMSI FRANCE maps to PDF? If True, yes. If False, nope
TEMSI_logging = True
; Should I save TEMSI EUROC maps to PDF? If True, yes. If False, nope
EUROC_logging = True
; List of ICAO airport codes, comma separated
ICAO_airport_codes = LFPG,LFPO,PHTO,EGLL
; Your AEROWEB server identifier
user_code = XXXXXXXXXX

; CSV files will be saved to this directory path
csv_directory = ./csv/
; PDF files will be saved to this directory path
pdf_directory = ./pdf/

XML API overview

See the technical documentation for details.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
	<messages oaci="LFPG" nom="PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE">
		<message type="METAR">
					METAR LFPG 220800Z 03014KT 010V090 3000 BR NSC M02/M04 Q1019 NOSIG=
		<message type="TAFL">
					TAF AMD LFPG 220719Z 2207/2312 03010G20KT 5000 BR NSC TEMPO 2207/2210 3000 BR TEMPO 2210/2218 4500 HZ TX04/2215Z TNM03/2306Z=
		<message type="SIGMET">
					LFFF SIGMET 1 VALID 220600/220900 LFPW- LFFF PARIS FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4815 E00515 - N4730 E00415 - N4630 E00445 - N4630 E00300 - N4700 E00215 - N4815 E00500 - N4815 E00515 FL170/250 MOV SW 25KT NC=
	<messages oaci="LFPO" nom="PARIS ORLY">
		<message type="METAR">
					METAR LFPO 220800Z 03012KT 6000 NSC M01/M04 Q1019 NOSIG=
		<message type="TAFL">
					TAF LFPO 220500Z 2206/2312 02010KT 8000 NSC PROB30 TEMPO 2206/2209 3000 BR SCT008 TEMPO 2211/2224 CAVOK=
		<message type="SIGMET">
					LFFF SIGMET 1 VALID 220600/220900 LFPW- LFFF PARIS FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4815 E00515 - N4730 E00415 - N4630 E00445 - N4630 E00300 - N4700 E00215 - N4815 E00500 - N4815 E00515 FL170/250 MOV SW 25KT NC=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <bloc_zone idz="EUROC" nom="EUROC">
            <date_run>12 04 2018 15:00</date_run>
            <date_echeance>12 04 2018 15:00</date_echeance>
            <echeance>15 UTC</echeance>
            <date_run>12 04 2018 18:00</date_run>
            <date_echeance>12 04 2018 18:00</date_echeance>
            <echeance>18 UTC</echeance>




Weather Logger is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.